︎Xen Nhà︎︎

documentary maker + writer


︎Fly in Power

︎disorganising Workbook

︎In Living Memory 





We Weren’t Born Yesterday

Radio Documentary Series – 3CR Community Radio

Stills from We Weren’t Born Yesterday (L-R): Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic and Hindi.

           We Weren’t Born Yesterday (WWBY) is a series of four hour-long episodes focusing on the voices of GLBTIQ people from Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic and Hindi speaking backgrounds. Produced by the Queering the Air Collective at 3CR Community Radio, the series explores queer heritage, vocabulary and intergenerational connections in migrant communities in Australia.

Xen Nhà (fka Thanh Hằng Phạm) produced the vietnamese episode of the series. You can listen to the entire series here.

Queering the Air Collective (2015) – photo by Corey Green.

The entire series was broadcasted on 3CR in February 2015. It has been rebroadcasted on 2SER, JOY FM 94.9 (simulcasted on SBS Radio 3) and on the CBAA's Community Radio Network.

WWBY was a Finalist in the CBAA's 2015 Excellence in Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasting Award.


Project Coordinators: Lia Incognita and Xen Nhà (fka Thanh Hằng Phạm)
Features Producers: Arjun Raina, Jessie Lynn, Nicky XX, Lia Incognita and Xen Nhà (fka Thanh Hằng Phạm)
Sound Technician: Elena McMaster
Production Support: 3CR Community Radio

This project was financially supported by the Community Broadcasting Foundation.
